Saturday, December 24, 2016

Super Mom!

I just read a blog about Christmas being a mother's holiday because typically it is the mom that goes rushing around making sure the family has a nice Christmas. The mom does the gift shopping after listening and researching what the kids and family would like, sending out Christmas cards, decorating, planning the family get together, meal planning and cooking, gift wrapping etc etc. I am grateful to have a husband that at least helps me gift wrap and this post is in no way to bash all the dad's out there, but just stop and think how much a mom does for the holiday. 

Now, stop and think how much a mom does throughout the entire year....every year! It's not just Christmas. I, among many other mommies out there, work full-time job as well as being a mother.

Being a mom is a full-time job in itself and here is a brief list of my job description:

  • Prepare all meals throughout the day....every day
  • Make sure kid wakes up, eats, gets dressed, goes pee, brushes teeth then style kid's hair (repeat every step to kid about 5 times before it actually gets done)
  • Pack lunches for the day
  • Bring kid to school
  • Go to full-time job that actually pays me to work all day
  • Be prepared to leave work when school calls about your sick kid
  • Rush to get out of work, deal with traffic and pick kid up from school
  • Make sure kid has homework done
  • Prepare dinner and make sure kid eats
  • Chauffeur - Bring kid to extracurricular activity (about 3 days per week for my kid) and then pick up from extracurricular activity
  • Make sure all bills are paid on time
  • In charge of any play dates and sleep overs
  • Party planning (includes kids birthdays, husband birthdays and my own birthdays as well as ALL holidays throughout the year)
  • Family photographer
  • Home decor throughout the year
  • Clean house 
  • Laundry
  • Pull out weeds in flower beds outside
  • Attend any school functions throughout the year
  • Family scheduler: in charge of husband's schedule, kid's schedule and my own schedule and have it memorized in order to plan all events throughout the day and throughout the year including doctor visits such as dentist and pediatrician
  • Family vacation planner
  • Plan for child care when both parents have to work or want a night out together
This is just a brief list of all things mom. Now think about everything involved in doing each task listed above along with dealing with some minor mental breakdowns throughout the day.

I do appreciate my husband helping me out when I have to work later. He helps pick up our daughter from school or bring her to her dance class on his day off. He also does help with grocery shopping, cleaning up around the house and every once in while makes dinner, which I appreciate so much. But when you stop and think how much a typical mom does throughout the day, every day of the year, it is jaw dropping. Being a mom is a super power. So the next time someone asks, why mother's day is such a big deal....go ahead and make a list! 

This holiday season, I would like to acknowledge all the mom's that make the holidays possible. We not only make holidays possible... we make every day possible!

Let's hear it for the Super Moms!

Here's to another year of doing everything all over again!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

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