Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Maddie and Mom Puberty Talk

This subject is never easy to talk about. It is uncomfortable and awkward and I think is the dreaded conversation of every parent. I started this conversation with Madison when she was about 9 years old. I didn't want her to end up feeling the way I felt when this subject came up for me in about the 5th school. Everybody knows the puberty talk at school... usually in 5th grade. The teachers separate the girls from the boys and the puberty class begins. Before this day in school I don't remember ever learning anything about puberty before. I don't remember my mom ever having this talk with me. Needless to say, I was horrified!

Oh the horror! I was going to grow hair where??? I was going to bleed from where??? Every month! My life is over! I was sick to my stomach in class. I broke out into a cold sweat. Oh no, I am getting light headed now. I could hear my heart POUNDING!  I had to raise my hand to let my teacher know I wasn't feeling well. I seriously thought I might vomit right there in class! She put me at a desk in the back of the room where I could put my head down and rest. Taking deep breaths with a cold wash cloth on my head...I had to try to calm myself down.

This is not how I wanted Madison to feel. I wanted her to hear the information from me. I wanted her to feel comfortable and let her know that this is something you just get used to and it is really not a big deal. A friend of mine recommended an American Girl Doll book called The Care and Keeping of You. I had never heard of it, but I knew Madison loves American Girl Doll so I gave it a try.

We read this book every night before bed. Madison loved having me read this book to her and it led to a lot of bonding conversations. It also led to a lot of questions she had that I could answer right there and then. Madison enjoyed this book so much, I went ahead and ordered and read The Care and Keeping of You Part 2.

So, for all the moms out there with girls that will be approaching puberty within the next couple of is not as bad as you think. Have the conversation now. Get it over with and just be ready to answer any questions they may have honestly.

The first book is perfect for girls ages 8-10 and the second book is more detailed for girls ages 10-12. Enjoy this reading time with your girls. These books cover everything about puberty except for the topic of sex. I am not ready for that one. Sex is the next dreaded conversation!

Parents of boys...never fear. There are books for you too!
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